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STEM-Centric Career Assessments

The first in a series of editorials on reforming math and science education noted that the number of students pursuing engineering or computer science jobs is plummeting as the need for those workers is soaring.  More>>

U.S. students’ poor showing in international rankings of math proficiency signal a growing barrier to upward mobility for the nation’s low-income and minority students. Some go so far as to call math the new literacy tests of our generation.  Link>>

Tomorrow’s students will need to study data, security and robotics to keep America at the forefront of innovation.  Check it out>>

Senator Gillibrand announced legislation that would give more “STEM” opportunities for woman, minorities and the poor. Article>>

In college and during her career, Kimberly Bryant often found herself the only black female scientist in the  More »

Third time’s a charm for Elon Musk.  After two failed attempts last week, SpaceX on Tuesday  More »

Check out these great inspiring quotes from women leaders in the world of  STEM.  Link>>

I believe every young person who has an innate desire to explore, reconfigure, and build has the aptitude for a challenging yet rewarding career in science, technology, math or engineering (STEM).  Article>>