Careers In Stem:
- Candid Career Interviews with several different STEM careers.
- The Wind Business: information on state-of-the-art wind farms and the need for STEM to build wind farms.
Videos Promoting STEM
- A STEM Education, Tools to Change the World from the White House, expressing the need for more STEM education
- We Can Be Leaders A PBS video promoting STEM
- The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth Video promoting geeks and why being one is a good thing
- Science Career Ladder Video Highlights the need for STEM in the future
- Education for Innovation: A Digital Town Hall General information about the next generation oif innovators.
- Design Our Future- A Career in Engineering a promotional you to study engineering
Other Videos
- Girls and Math – No Gender Gap in Math Video explaining that girls and boys can learn math just as easily. Don’t be discouraged to learn math if you’re a girl.
- Fundamentals of Physics video lectures.
- Changing Education Paradigms – talk about how to educate the children of the future
- Physics 1: Classical Mechanics video lectures
- Conrad Wolfram: Teaching kids real math with computers TED talk about math
More videos can be found on the Media Tutorials page. You can also find the videos in posts by clicking here.