JPL offers middle and high school students insights about preparation to science and engineering degrees.
What Courses or Clubs Should I Enroll In?
Posted in: Counselors, Course Selection, NASA, Parents, Students
Survey: 77% of teens interested in STEM careers
This article from Teach & Learning explains things that you can do as an educator, counselor, or parent to help students excel in STEM.
Posted in: Counselors, Educators, Parents, STEM, Students
The Futurist Interviews Space Expert Edgar Choueri
Read this interview with Edgar Choueri about the different options that are currently being explored by different space agencies.
Posted in: Counselors, Educators, Parents, space, Students
Project Lead the Way
Project Lead the Way (PLTW) prepares students to be the most innovative and productive leaders in STEM by making meaningful and pioneering contributions.
Posted in: Counselors, Educators, Parents, Resource, Students
The Math and Science Partnership Network
The Math and Science Partnership Network is an electronic learning community for the Math and Science Partnership Program offering resources, projects based on location, and a list of STEM conferences.
Posted in: Counselors, Educators, Parents, Resource, Students
Partnerships & Strengthen Science Education Webinar 3-10
President Obama has challenged U.S. colleges and universities to increase the number of graduates in STEM fields, but how do institutions create the types of opportunities that inspire students to want to pursue a career in the sciences? A free webinar is sponsored by the Amgen Foundation and hosted by The Chronicle of Higher Education on March 10 .
Posted in: Counselors, Educators, Parents, Webinar
The PAST Foundation
The PAST Foundation has exciting projects that students, adults, teachers and partners can become involved in. The projects are structured for both day and overnight throughout the summer months. Each program targets a specific audience and is structured to meet the needs of participants.
Posted in: Educators, Parents, Resource, STEM video clips, Students
More Money for STEM Education 2012
Obama made an appearance in a Baltimore County, Md., school this morning about the new budget. This budget raised the discretionary Education Department funding to $77.4 billion, a nearly 21% increase from $64.1 billion in 2010.