Computer programmer, a STEM career, tops the chart with the highest pay gap between men and women at 28.1% according to a recent Glassdoor study. The average, unadjusted gap shows that women make 76 percent of what men earn.

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Mentors and role models are critical in the professional development and growth of the rising generations. Seeing people who “look like you”, be it gender, race, ethnicity or other diverse identities, is important in believing that you, too, can succeed.

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The Institute for Women’s Policy Research highlights 7 successful projects to attract and retain female students in community college STEM programs.

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A collaboration between NSF and Colorado State University, through the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) award, prepares master’s and doctoral students at with the tools to extract meaning from huge amounts of sensor and genomics data.

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Filled with intrigue, insights, and action, the popular Mythbusters TV show uses elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors and myths. The show has also begun to bust the myth that STEM careers are boring and “nerdy”, encouraging students to explore STEM-related opportunities.

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Increased demand and low unemployment rates are two components that make these STEM jobs attractive.

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Six universities have received major grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to revolutionize engineering departments through the RED program at NSF.

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When scientists’ jobs involve not just measuring data on climate change but also gauging public reaction to potentially volatile information, the challenges of their jobs multiply. John H. Richardson tackles this nuanced topic in Esquire with an intriguing feature article(warning: the article includes significant cursing – it’s not a typical source for me, I tend to favor academic […]

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