Although the gender gap in STEM careers exists around the globe, current research on global STEM involvement shows that the rates for women’s involvement in STEM vary from country to country. The explanation for this trend: “…success in math and the hard sciences is almost entirely dependent on culture – a culture that teaches girls […]

The energy in the room was after The Game was palpable. STEM graduate students, worn-out from their long days of working in lab, gathered around to participate in the Who You Are Matters! game – an interactive personal and professional development experience. It was inspiring to see such brilliant minds being brought to life through […] is a great resource for middle school girls to begin exploring and getting excited about careers in engineering. Students can browse engineering fun facts, bios of women professionals who love their work, and even “try on a career” in engineering that fits their individual interests and talents. Do your students already know they want […]

There are many reasons why increasing women’s interest and retention in STEM careers is a huge focus for today’s society. This article points out yet another detriment to having STEM fields dominated by men: the issue of allocation of resources.  “What we think of as “science problems” affect everyone—children, women, and men. However, what science […]

Interested in creating a program where young girls are excited about participating in science and math? Techbridge’s after-school program called FabLab allows young girls the space to dream and create though hands-on projects like taking apart lawn mowers to building biomass-burning stoves for families across the world. “Every day, everybody gets to make something. It’s […]

The Iron Sister’s campaign is a global movement bringing women together from all around the world to encourage and support each other’s STEM successes. “We all share a passion for what we do, and we are united by a deeply held belief that we can use innovations in STEM fields to change the world for […]

Women report feeling torn between having a career and staying home to take care of their children. Many describe a sense of guilt for leaving their children with childcare workers in order to work full-time. However, current research suggests that being a working mom poses several benefits for children. “Women whose moms worked outside the […]

The results are in. Stack Overflow’s annual web developer survey found that 10% of the respondents identified as women. While this is still an incredibly low number, the percentage increased 3.4% in the last year. But what does this mean for you? If you’re a woman interested in entering the field of technology, the field […]