Will we use this in real life? Children always seem to ask this question when they are learning math. The answer is yes, math is everywhere. From counting money to budgeting and even taxes, math is in everyday life and usually has to do with personal finance. Geometry to Trigonometry might not be something everyone […]
Help Kids With Math In Real Life
How Education Can Affect Your Income (Infographic)
How Education Can Affect Your Income (Infographic)
Posted in: Counselors, Education, Income, Infographit, Money, Students
College Scholarship Resource
College-Scholarship.com provides exactly what the URL suggests it does; a database of hundreds of scholarships.
Posted in: Counselors, Money, Parents, Scholarship, Students, Tuition
Learn About Money – Math Resources for Kids
Learn about money is a great website for kids to learn about Finances and how math is useful when it comes to managing your own money.
Report Links Earning Power To Engineering Degree
Attention college students: pick a major with care. It could mean millions of dollars over the course of a working life. For the first time, the US Census Bureau has analyzed earnings by type of degree and occupation. In a report released Thursday, the bureau found wide gaps in lifetime earnings between those with technical bachelor’s degrees and those who graduated with majors in the arts, humanities, and education.
Posted in: Engineering, Money, STEM