Learn about money is a great website for kids to learn about Finances and how math is useful when it comes to managing your own money.
Why Math Teachers Feel Poorly Prepared
In the new book, “Inequality for All: The Challenges of Unequal Opportunity in American Schools,” William Schmidt and Curtis C. McKnight take a closer look at the American education system in the area of mathematics. Regardless of socioeconomic background 0r race, inequalities pose a risk to every child. They stem from differences in state education standards, in school funding, in curricula that districts choose to adopt and in the content that individual classroom teachers choose to teach. This article focuses on how math teachers are trained and how that, in turn, affects student achievement.
Posted in: Mathematics, STEM, Teachers
New Study: Mathematics Makes Girls More Anxious Than Boys
In a recent English study, researchers have found that girls suffer more anxiety around math over boys. However, the research also indicates that despite the anxiety, girls performance on math does not differ from that of boys. The research is unclear as to why anxiety is higher in girls, but there is speculation that reasons might be that “math [is a] “male” domain, that girls may be more willing to admit feelings of anxiety or may be more critical of themselves than boys; that boys have greater self confidence; and that past experience with mathematics is responsible, the researchers write.” Here is another reason why girls may not be as motivated to pursue careers in STEM.
Posted in: Girls, Mathematics, STEM, Women
Rubik’s Cube and Mathematics
The Rubik’s Cube is all about mathematics, you can solve it with multiple formulas on how to move the colors around. Rubik’s Cube offers lesson plans to teachers though You Can do the Rubik’s Cube.
Posted in: Educators, Lesson Plan, Mathematics, Rubik’s Cube, STEM video clips, Students