“I would say one of the most important skills to learn in order to succeed in graduate school is self-directed learning,” explains Ian Mclean. As a biomedical engineer and researcher, Ian has had to gain expertise in many different STEM fields to be successful in his research that he hopes will “lead to more accurate […]
Take initiative! Interview with Biomedical Engineer Ian McLean
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!
Access for All: Interview with Biomedical Engineer Jasmine Nejad
Reaching a fulfilling career often looks entirely different for different people; there is no perfectly developed step-by-step process to guarantee each person finds their success. The good news: you never know what person or experience will lead you closer to a meaningful career. For Jasmine, paying attention to her reactions abroad led her to her […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!, Women in STEM
Open to Opportunities: Interview with Biomedical Engineer Zach Fox
If you would have told undergraduate Zach that in 5 years he would be developing a field he never knew existed – he would have laughed at his unforeseeable future! Like many people, Zach’s career trajectory was not one defining moment where he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!
Fight Through Frustration: Biochemist Dylan Parker
It is no secret that graduate school requires an immense amount of hard work and dedication. In his interview, Dylan Jensen, a second year in CSU’s Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department, describes some major differences between his undergrad and graduate school experiences. In particular, Dylan suggests that graduate school can often be “a complete shakeup” […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!
Shea-ping a better tomorrow: Interview with Biologist Shea Moore-Farrell
Staying on the cutting-edge of scientific research requires an awareness of how our world is constantly changing. People are living longer, technology is at our fingertips, and our climate system is changing at a pace we have never seen before. Thankfully, researchers like Shea Moore-Farrell are working daily to learn more about earth’s changing environments […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!
Science – It’s Full of Surprises! Interview with Botanist Jessica Warren
What do humans, culture, science and technology all have in common? Answer: They are all constantly evolving! In fact, there’s a whole field of research dedicated to understanding the underlying principles for how things change over time. Jessica Warren, a researcher in CSU’s molecular evolution lab describes the importance of researching this topic in her […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!, Women in STEM
Double Your Value: Interview with Biologist & Mathematician Shannon Stiverson
Taking courses and getting involved in opportunities outside of your specific major of choice is a great way to explore and shape your own professional niche. “While working towards my undergraduate biology degree, I met a lot of other students who really struggled with the math in their classes. I realized that being passionate about […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!, Women in STEM
From Molecules to (Solutions That) Matter: Chemist Rachel Feeny
As a chemist Rachel Feeny finds solutions to important scientific problems through networking and collaboration. “Initially my interest in chemistry began when I realized that often solutions to real-world problems come from understanding things at a molecular level. Now I find it fascinating to take what I know and collaborate with scientists in many different […]
Posted in: Identify with a Scientist!, Women in STEM