STEM occupations–described as those requiring a degree in science, technology, engineering, and math related subjects–currently account for more than 10% of jobs in the United States, and
U.S. Science Industry Faces Fiscal Cliff Doom
November 26th, 2012 by Brad Graham
The American science programs that landed the first man on the moon, found cures for deadly diseases and bred crops that feed the world now face the possibility of becoming relics in the story of human progress. American scientific research and development stands to lose thousands of jobs and face a starvation diet of reduced funding if politicians fail to compromise and halt the United States’ march towards the fiscal cliff’s sequestration of federal funds.
NPR Offers Career Guidance: Future Jobs
August 24th, 2012 by Rich Feller
Check out this simple career information system driven by Bureau of Labor Statistics data…
Posted in: BLS, Career Guidance, STEM