Contact Rich Feller

STEM-Centric Career Assessments

(Article by Zoe Sullivan)  As a fellow career services professional, I would be preaching to the choir if I stated the importance of a professional mentoring program for students in higher education.  More>>

College graduates with Web-development skills are sitting pretty in the current job market.  A report on the best and worst entry-level jobs released by WalletHub today lists “Web More »

The glaciers that drain ice from the massive West Antarctic Ice Sheet into the sea are becoming increasingly unstable, and are poised for an inevitable dramatic acceleration that could prompt More »

Seven-year-old Jordan Lisle, a second grader, joined his family at a packed after-hours school event last month aimed at inspiring a new interest: computer programming.  Link>>

Call it the tale of two energy companies and their contradictory travails when it comes to attracting a modern workforce: One is a regulated and stable natural gas delivery More »

The government released the latest national test scores on Wednesday, and the news isn’t good: 12th-graders are headed toward graduation, but many don’t have the skills they need to succeed in college or work.  Link>>

The public-private partnership boosting support for science, technology and engineering (STEM) achievement must continue and expand, oil industry executives said at the final keynote of the U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference in Washington, D.C.  Link>>

How can companies find the next generation of engineers, production workers, and team leaders that will be innovative and create new products? By fostering internship programs, creating  More »